Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-670-2
# of Pages: 518
# of Volumes: 1
Print List Price: $165
e-ISBN: 978-1-68217-671-9
eBook User Price: $165
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Principles of Business: Accounting

February 2018

Principles of Business: Accounting is the fifth volume of a new series on business information. This series is intended to offer the fundamentals of business topics in easy to-understand language to students, researchers, and those interested in clear, current information on a wide variety of important and far-reaching business subjects.

Accounting is an integral part of business, government activity, and personal life. This volume provides the reader with a clear introduction to accounting principles and application. With topics like “Crowdfunding,” “Cloud Computing Security,” “Ethics in Accounting,” “Funding New Ventures,” and “Tax Impact on Decisions,” Accounting offers detailed information on what is involved in starting and running your own business, how best to manage accounts on a day to-day basis, and how to apply accounting principles to your work and personal life.

The entries in this volume are arranged in an A to Z order, from “Accounting for Complex Financial Structures” to “Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Taxation,” making it easy to find a topic of interest. Each entry includes the following:

  • Abstract giving a brief introduction to the topic;
  • Overview that presents key terms and concepts;
  • Clear, concise presentation of the topic, including a discussion of applications and issues;
  • Further reading to help readers dig deeper with more specific material on the topic

Added features include illustrations and helpful diagrams of relevant topics. The back matter in Principles of Business: Accounting contains a detailed glossary to support the meaning of the articles, as well as an index.

View a Full List of Titles from the Principles of Business Series