Press Releases
2025 Titles
1/31/2025: Salem Press Announces Careers in Earth Science
1/31/2025: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The Underground Railroad
1/31/2025: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: As You Like It
1/28/2025: Salem Press Announces Principles of Graphic Design & Typography
1/28/2025: Salem Press Announces Principles of Archaeology
12/23/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Human Services, Second Edition
11/1/2024: Salem Press Announces The Solar System, Third Edition
11/1/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Twelve Years a Slave
10/31/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Healthcare, Second Edition
10/18/2024: Salem Press Announces Principles of Architecture
10/18/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Going Into the Woods
10/11/2024: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The Salem Witch Trials
10/11/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Medical Technology
10/10/2024: Salem Press Announces Great Events from History: American History, 1775-1850--Forging a New Nation
9/27/2024: Salem Press Announces Notable Horror Fiction Writers
9/20/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: The Supernatural
9/18/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Heavy Equipment Operation, Maintenance & Repair
8/29/2024: Salem Press Announces Principles of Health: Hypertension
8/23/2024: Salem Press Announces Principles of Mass Communication
8/19/2024: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: Watergate
7/19/2024: Salem Press Announces Social Media & Your Mental Health
5/28/2024: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: Voters' Rights
5/13/2024: Salem Press Announces Salem Health: Men's Health
5/6/2024: Salem Press Announces The 1900s in America
4/22/2024: Salem Press Announces Magill's Literary Annual, 2024
4/2/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
3/31/2024: Salem Press Announces Principles of Cybersecurity
3/26/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Illustration & Animation
3/12/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Dante Alighieri
3/8/2024: Salem Press Announces Great Lives from History: LGBTQ+
2/29/2024: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Treason
2/15/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Crime and Punishment
2/4/2024: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Religious Freedom & Religious Persecution
1/30/2024: Salem Press Announces Principles of Probability & Statistics
1/29/2024: Salem Press Announces Careers in Intelligence & National Security
1/12/2024: Salem Press Announces Critical Insights: Twelfth Night, or What You Will
11/9/2023: Salem Press Announces Careers in Biotechnology
10/25/2023: Salem Press Announces the Publication of Notable Writers of LGBTQ+ Literature
10/25/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Edition to the Best-Selling Great Events Series— Great Events from History: American History, 1492-1775— Exploration to the Colonial Era
10/25/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: Power & Corruption
10/20/2023: Salem Press Announces Principles of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition
09/30/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: Workers’ Rights
09/22/2023: Salem Press Announces Careers in Fish & Wildlife
09/22/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Revolutions
09/15/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Revolutions
09/15/2023: Salem Press Announces the Newest Edition to the Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore Series: Creation Myths
09/14/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series: Critical Insights: All the Pretty Horses
08/29/2023: Announces the Newest Addition to The Principles of Health Series: Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy
08/29/2023: Salem Press Announces the newest Volume in The Principles of Science Series: Principles of Forestry & Conservation
08/07/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series: Critical Insights: Ralph Waldo Emerson
07/20/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series: Critical Insights: Sense and Sensibility
07/13/2023: Grey House Publishing & Salem Press Announces Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Creation Myths
07/12/2023: Grey House Publishing & Salem Press Announce the First Edition of Teens Growing Up: Skills & Strategies
05/26/2023: Salem Press Announces Weapons, Warfare and Military Technology, Third Edition
05/24/2023: Salem Press Announces the newest Volume in The Principles of Science Series, Principles of Mechanics
05/16/2023: Salem Press Announces Salem Health: Psychology & Behavioral Health, Fifth Edition
04/12/2023: Salem Press Announces the Newest Edition to the Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore Series: Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Deadly Battles & Warring Enemies
04/05/2023: Salem Press Announces Magill's Literary Annual, 2023
03/17/2023: Salem Press Announces Careers in Archaeology & Museum Services
03/10/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: The Nuclear Age
03/08/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: The Plague
03/08/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Human Rights
02/27/2023: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Principles of Aeronautics
02/24/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Human Rights
02/23/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: C.S. Lewis
02/22/2023: Salem Press Announces Careers in Cybersecurity
02/17/2023: Salem Press Announces the First Edition of Great Lives from Science: Autocrats & Dictators
02/15/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: A Raisin in the Sun
02/10/2023: Salem Press Announces the Third Edition of the Encyclopedia of Climate Change
02/07/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Merchant of Venice
02/03/2023: Salem Press Announces Careers in the Automotive Industry
02/03/2023: Salem Press Announces the New, Ninth Edition of Magill's Medical Guide
02/02/2023: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: C.S. Lewis
01/27/2023: Salem Press Announces the Second Edition of Great Lives from History: Scientists & Science
01/25/2023: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The Constitution
12/22/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Truth & Lies
12/12/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Virginia Woolf
11/16/2022: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Principles of Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
11/04/2022: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The Great Migration (1916-1970)
11/03/2022: Salem Press Announces Careers in Artificial Intelligence
11/02/2022: Salem Press Announces the Fourth Edition of American First Ladies
11/02/2022: Salem Press Announces the Fifth Edition of American Presidents
10/04/2022: Salem Press and Grey House Publishing Announce the First Edition of Parenting: Styles & Strategies
09/22/2022: Salem Press and Grey House Publishing Announce the First Edition of Digital Literacy: Skills & Strategies
09/22/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Edgar Allan Poe
09/08/2022: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Principles of Fire Science
09/08/2022: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: Domestic Terrorism & Extremism
07/19/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
06/20/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Old Man and the Sea
05/23/2022: Salem Press Announces the 2022 Edition of Magill's Literary Annual
05/12/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Edition to the Best-Selling Great Events Series—Great Events from History: Women’s History
05/12/2022: Salem Press Announces Careers in Engineering
05/11/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: On the Road
04/08/2022: Salem Press Announces the Fourth Edition of The Fifty States
04/05/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Lord of the Rings
04/05/2022: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The 1980s (1980-1989)
03/25/2022: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Princuples of Computer-aided Design
03/25/2022: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Principles of Microbiology
03/25/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Color Purple
03/22/2022: Salem Press Announces Careers in Biology
03/20/2022: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The Great Depression (1929-1941)
03/17/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Julius Caesar
03/15/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: J.D. Salinger
02/11/2022: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The First Amendment
02/03/2022: Salem Press Announces a the Newest Volume in the Principles of Health Series, Allergies & Immune Disorders
02/03/2022: Salem Press Announces the Publication of Notable Writers of the American West & the Native American Experience
01/24/2022: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Brontë Sisters
11/15/2021: Salem Press Announces Careers in the Music Industry
11/3/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Catch-22
11/3/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Amy Tan
11/2/2021: Salem Press Announces the Publication of Notable Crime Fiction Writers
10/18/2021: Salem Press Announces the First Edition of Novels Into Film: Adaptations & Interpretations, Volume Two
10/18/2021: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in World History: Genocide & the Holocaust
9/22/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Geology
9/14/2021: Salem Press Announces the Second Edition of Encyclopedia of American Immigration
9/10/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in the Principles of Science Series, Behavioral Science
8/30/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, A Tale of Two Cities
8/27/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Thomas Hardy
8/17/2021: Salem Press Announces Careers in Forensic Science
8/09/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Addition to the Principles of Health Series, Depression
7/29/2021: Salem Press Announces a Newest Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Patriotism
6/4/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: Othello
5/28/2021: Salem Press Announces the 2021 Edition of Magill's Literary Annual
5/21/2021: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: American Citizenship
5/21/2021: Salem Press Announces Careers: Paths to Entrepreneurship
4/01/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series: Jamaica Kincaid
4/01/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
4/01/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in The Principles of Science Series, Energy
3/31/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Addition to the Principles of Health Series, Prescription Drug Abuse
3/30/2021: Salem Press Announces Careers Working With Animals
3/23/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series, Critical Insights: The Book Thief
3/09/2021: Salem Press Announces Defining Documents in American History: The American Economy
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Addition to the Popular Defining Documents in World History Series: Pandemics, Plagues & Public Health
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Volume in The Principles of Science Series, Marine Science
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces the Second Edition of Salem Health: Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: Their Eyes Were Watching God
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces the New, Second Edition of Great Lives from History: Latinos
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces the Newest Addition to The Principles of Health Series, Nursing
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: Anna Karenina
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces a New Addition to the Critical Insights Series Critical Insights: In Cold Blood
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces Careers in Gaming
1/20/2021: Salem Press Announces a Newest Addition to the Critical Insights Series: Literature in Times of Crisis