Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-944-4
# of Pages: 822
# of Volumes: 2
Print List Price: $275
e-ISBN: 978-1-68217-941-3
eBook User Price: $275
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Salem Health: Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism

Salem Press
December 2018

Designed for the general reader, this two-volume set provides authoritative and essential information pertaining to addictions and substance abuse in easy-to-understand language.

This second edition of Salem Health: Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism presents essays on a variety of topics concerning substance abuse and behavioral addictions and their related issues. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that more Americans die from the effects of drug abuse than from traffic accidents, and attributes the death of nearly 100,000 Americans annually to the excessive consumption of alcohol. These startling statistics coupled with the staggering rise in deaths from prescription drug misuse in the twenty-first century, have thrown the spotlight on how the allied health community and society at large approach, track, and treat alcohol and drug dependency and other addictive behaviors.

As addiction and their related disorders continue to escalate, so has society's understanding and treatment of them, from increased and more thorough comprehension of maladaptive behavior to a clearer picture of the physiological effects of substance abuse, both in the short and long term. Also important is being aware of the role that substance abuse and misuse and addition play in society, whether through glorification or stigmatization in the media, or experienced firsthand in a home or social setting by a parent or child, and the agencies and preventative strategies in place to curb abuse and its effects. Salem Health: Additions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism surveys the decades of progress in understanding and treating addictive behaviors and substance abuse, analyzing trends and treatment, offering historical and technical background, and providing socioeconomic, psychological, and physiological understanding of the influence and impact of addiction and substance abuse.

Scope and Coverage 

This two-volume work includes 329 essays covering all aspects of addiction and substance abuse, including diseases or conditions, substances of abuse, treatment and addiction overviews, organizations and foundations dedicated to treatment and prevention, physiological and psychological issues and behaviors, trends and statistics, and social contexts and concerns related to substance abuse and treatment such as advertising and media influence, aging, ethnicity, and children and substance abuse. The essays, written for non-specialists by medical professionals, professors in science and medicine, and medical writers, will appeal to students studying science, premed, psychology, addictive behaviors, drug abuse epidemiology and public health issues, as well as to librarians and their patrons, and of course to individuals, family and friends directly affected by addiction.

Salem Health: Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism examines the various concepts and models of both the addiction and its associated behaviors and impulses and the therapeutic and treatment practices that enable an individual to regain the traction of an addiction and abuse-free life. Comprehensive essays on drug and alcohol abuse constitute the core coverage, while a significant number of essays survey behavioral addictions and disorders, as well as the socio-cultural and economic impact of addiction. Essays, where applicable, provide overviews of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, and outline causes, risk factors, and symptoms. The work's scope also embraces ethical questions raised by the convergence of alternative therapy and addiction and the legalized use of substances of abuse in the allied health filed. Also prominent is the discussion of the preventative and educational work of the government and other agencies in addressing addictions and substance abuse.

Organization and Format

Essays are alphabetized, vary in length from one to five pages, and include the following ready-reference top matter:

  • Category lists the focus of the essay, including Diagnosis and Prevention; Health Issues and Physiology; Psychological Issues and Behaviors; Social Issues; Substance Abuse/Misuse; Substances; and Treatment.
  • Also Known As provides alternative names used, where applicable.
  • Definition introduces, defines, and describes the essay topic.
  • Essays can include the following sections: Overview, Introduction, Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Screening and Diagnosis, Treatment and Therapy, and Prevention.

Substances of abuse essays include Status and Classification, Source, Transmission Route, History of Use, and Effects and Potential Risks.

Essays covering organizations, programs, and treatment centers include Background, Dates established or founded, and Mission and Goals.

Essays that discuss diagnosis, physiology, prevention, psychological issues, social issues, and treatment include unique subsections, chosen by the author, that divide the main text and guide readers through the essay.

All entries end with the author's byline, and list of sources for further reading. Many essays feature sidebars, graphs and photographs to enhance the information offered.

Special Features

The articles in the Salem Health: Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism are arranged alphabetically by title. Both volumes offer a Complete List of Contents for easy identification of desired topics.

Appendixes include a geographical listing of treatment centers and programs, a cross-referenced list of substances of abuse, a glossary of definitions of commonly used terms and concepts related to addiction and substance abuse; pharmaceutical treatments, categorized by brand name; a bibliography which offers citations for both classic and recently published sources for additional research; and a time line which details major developments in addictions and substance abuse.

Indexes include a category index and a comprehensive subject index.

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