Critical Survey of Poetry Review

“Gr 9 Up–The writing in these attractive, intelligent works is engaging and informative, presenting an abundance of critical and contextual insights… As reference tools, these books are informative and engaging, and some of the topical essays are not only illuminating, but inspiring.”
-School Library Journal, 2011

“BOTTOM LINE This is a major reference work that will be extremely useful to high school students along with college students and teachers. Highly recommended for its breadth and depth.”
-Library Journal, 2011

“…this is an outstanding resource, of interest to the general reader as well as high school and undergraduate students.”
-Book News, Inc., 2011

“This updated edition of the Critical Survey of Poetry can be highly recommended to all university reference collections and large public libraries with strong literature usage.”
-ARBA Online, 2011

“Overall, this is an excellent source for anyone interested in poetry. Those who own previous editions that see heavy use will want to purchase the entire set. Others may want to take advantage of the ability to buy subsets to meet specific needs.”
-Booklist, 2011