Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-780-1
# of Pages: 338
# of Volumes: 1
Print List Price: $125
e-ISBN: 978-1-61925-781-8
eBook User Price: $125
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Careers in Technical Services & Equipment Repair

Editor: Michael Shally-Jensen, PhD.
June 2015

Merging scholarship with occupational development, this single comprehensive guidebook provides those interested with technical service and equipment repair with necessary insight into potential careers, and provides instruction on what job seekers can expect in terms of training, advancement, earnings, job prospects, working conditions, relevant associations, and more.

For those interested in how both simple and complex machines work, a career in technical services, maintenance, and repair may be just the thing. Most maintenance and repair jobs do not require a 4-year college degree; they usually demand no more than a 2-year associate's degree or a high school diploma. Careers in Technical Services & Equipment Repair provides a current overview and a future outlook of specific occupations in the technology and equipment maintenance industries.

This publication contains over 25 alphabetically arranged chapters describing specific fields of interest in these industries, including: 

  • Aircraft Mechanic
  • Industrial Mechanic
  • Nuclear Med. Technologist
  • Engineering Technician
  • Laser Technician
  • Robotic Technician
  • Home Appliance Repair
  • Locomotive Engineer
  • and more.

Individual chapters range in length from 3,500-4,000 words and provide real-world insight into these professions, including:

  • A Day in the Life
  • Work Environment
  • Education & Training
  • Earnings & Advancement
  • Employment Outlook
  • Networking Contacts
  • Areas with the Highest Employment Levels
  • alongside Conversations with Real Professionals. 

Careers in Technical Services & Equipment Repair is also enhanced with numerous charts and tables, including projections from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and median annual salaries or wages for those occupations profiled. Each chapter also notes those skills that can be applied across broad occupation categories. Interesting enhancements, like “Fun Facts”, “Famous Firsts”, and dozens of photos, add depth to the discussion. A highlight of each chapter is “Conversation With”, a two page interview with a professional working in a related job. The respondents share their personal career paths, detail potential for career advancement, offer advice for students, and include a “try this” for those interested in embarking on a career in their profession.

Back matter of this title includes a Guide to Holland Code, a General Bibliography, and a Subject Index.

This ongoing series is designed to cater high school and undergraduate college students as well as those searching for a new career, whether in the same field or a completely unrelated one. These titles examine the thriving industries and the exact careers where job seekers can excel and help them make the best decision on which career path or area of study to pursue.

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