Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-050-1
# of Pages: 436
# of Volumes: 1
Print List Price: $125
e-ISBN: 978-1-64265-051-8
eBook User Price: $125
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Careers in Nursing

Editors at Salem Press
March 2019

This volume explores all levels of the nursing profession, to give students and adult job-seekers real-world information about their many career paths.

A CHOICE Top 75 Community College Resource for September 2019

Careers in Nursing contains thirty-seven chapters organized into five sections.

Section One:
Provides an overview of education options for nurses and describes the various levels of education and certification nurses acquire and how those degrees and certifications relate to specific types of nursing careers, from aides and assistants to nurse practitioners and nurse researchers.

Section Two:
Details various levels of nursing practice in nine profiles, including emergency medical technicians and paramedics, home health aides, medical assistants, medical and health services managers, licensed practical and vocational nurses, nursing assistants and orderlies, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and surgical technicians. These career profiles offer details about a particular career path by providing:

  • Snapshot: details the most current data about Median Pay, On-the-job Training, Job Outlook, Employment Change, and more.
  • Career Overview: includes a description of the career in terms of its duties, work environment, and work schedules.
  • How to become...: that explains how to begin and grow a career within a specific career profile by describing important qualities, education, licenses and certifications, and advancement opportunities.
  • Similar Occupations: lists specific jobs that are related in some way to the nursing career profiled.
  • Job Outlook and Job Prospects: describe current and anticipated rate of growth for a specific career and compares to other jobs in the area
  • Contact Information: provides additional resources such as specific associations or certifying bodies for further details.

Section Three:
Examines eleven settings where nursing care is provided, including: Assisted Living Facilities, Clinics, Home Care, Hospice, and Internet Medicine.

Section Four & Five: 
Reviews ten areas of medical specialties and looks at six industries where nurses find work.

Careers in Nursing is enhanced with:

  • charts and tables (from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Fast Facts & Famous Firsts
  • 'Conversation With...' sections feature a professional working in a related job who offers insight into specific areas of nursing

Additional special features include: Guide to Holland Code; General Bibliography; Glossary; Organizations & Resources; and a Subject Index.

Merging scholarship with occupational development, this single comprehensive guidebook provides students passionate about finding a career in nursing with the necessary insight into the wide array of options open to trained nurses. The book offers guidance regarding what job seekers can expect in terms of training, advancement, earnings, job prospects, working conditions, relevant associations, and more. Careers in Nursing is specifically designed for a high school and undergraduate audience and is edited to align with secondary or high school curriculum standards.

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