Careers in Artificial Intelligence Review

“AI is everywhere, from web-based targeted advertising to manufacturing and production, in careers from advertising manager to urban planner. This is not a book for those who want to create AI; rather, it describes a variety of careers that interact with AI in various ways, from programmer to civil engineer to marketing manager. Each of the 29 entries covers the sphere of work; physical, human, and technological work environment; a brief "day in the life" description; education and training requirements, with suggested areas of study; earnings and advancement; employment and outlook; related occupations; and organizations to contact for further information. Each entry also includes an interview with someone in the field, from the cofounder of an advertising and digital media company to a sustainability designer to a marine engineer. Careers run the gamut, from aerospace engineer to fabricator to fine artist. The organized layout and clear writing make this, like others in Salem's Careers In series, a useful addition to career collections in high-school and undergraduate libraries.” - Booklist, March 2023