Careers in Psychology and Behavioral Health
Careers in Psychology & Behavioral Health includes twenty-one overviews of the various disciplines in psychology and behavioral health including Behavior Therapy, Coaching, Experimental Psychology, and more. Twenty-two interviews with professionals working in related jobs who can offer insight into specific areas of practice are also included to get an inside look into the field. This title is ideal for students, undergraduates, and job-seekers.
This book also includes 25 occupational profiles, including Activities Therapist, Art Therapist, Healthcare Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist, Neuropsychologist, and Substance Abuse Counselor. The field is ideal for those interested in helping others, working in settings such as hospitals, residential care facilities, schools, clinics, or the government.
Interesting enhancements, like Fun Facts, Famous Firsts, and dozens of photos, add depth to the discussion. A highlight of each chapter is the Conversation With—a two-page interview with a professional working in a related job. The respondents share their personal career paths, detail potential for career advancement, offer advice for students and include a “try this” for those interested in embarking on a career in this profession.
Each chapter begins with a Snapshot of the occupation that includes Median Pay, Typical Entry-Level Education, On-the-job Training, Number of Jobs, Job Outlook, and Employment Change. This is followed by these major categories:
- Overview includes a description of the careers in terms of its duties, examples of titles or positions in that specific career, work environment, and work schedules.
- How to Become… explains how to begin and grow a career within a specific career profile by describing important qualities, education, licenses, certifications, and registrations, and advancement opportunities.
- Similar Occupations lists specific jobs that are related in some way to the psychology career profiled.
- Job Outlook and Job Prospects describe current and anticipated rate of growth for a specific career and compares to other jobs in the area.
- More Information directs readers to additional resources such as specific associations or certifying bodies for further details.
Additionally, this title includes back matter of:
- Appendix A: Guide to Holland Code. This discusses John Holland’s theory that people and work environments can be classified into six different groups: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; Social; Enterprising; and Conventional.
- Appendix B: General Bibliography. This is a collection of suggested readings, organized into major categories.
- Subject Index: Includes people, concepts, technologies, terms, principles, and all specific occupations discussed in the occupational profile chapters.
This ongoing series serves as a stepping stone in understanding specific careers and provides a wealth of information on the education and training needed within each profession along with a look towards the future of the field with an informative employment outlook.