U.S. Court Cases, Third Edition
A comprehensive collection of essays covering nearly 1,000 rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal and state courts.
This third edition of U.S. Court Cases, first published in 1999 with a second edition in 2010, pulls together essays from more than a dozen Salem reference works, greatly expanding what may be the largest collection of articles on individual court cases available in any compact reference work. Reviewers of past editions noted that the set drew its essays from a large number of different resource sets, including the Encyclopedia of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Great Events from History series, giving it a special value.
This three-volume set opens with a series of overview essays explaining the historical and legal context in which American courts operate. These overviews include essays on the Anglo-American Legal Systems, Law, Justice, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, U.S. Judicial System, State and Local Courts, Federal Courts, U.S. Supreme Court, Judicial Review, and the Incorporation Doctrine. The second and much longer section of the set contains many hundreds of articles on individual court cases, arranged alphabetically under the names by which the cases are best known, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Roe v. Wade. Each of these clearly written articles presents uniform top matter that includes a capsule summary of the case's significance.
In addition to the simple alphabetical arrangement of the cases, U.S. Court Cases offers several other features to help readers find cases. These include textual cross-references, such as "Dred Scott v. Sandford See Scott v. Sandford; "See also" cross-references at the end of each article; a chronological list of cases; a list of cases by selected categories; and case and general subject indexes. Also, new to the second edition and expanded upon here are three important features: a Time Line of cases by year, a List of Cases by Category, and an extensive Glossary.